Monday, May 13, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day.  I did.  I had both my children and their spouses with me and of course Jacob.  My sister and brother in law came the first part of the week and stayed until Saturday.  So I've had a busy week.

When my BIL saw some of my cards, he asked me to make a Mother's day card for my twin aunts.  They are the last of my mother's sister.  I'm thinking they are 85 but such beautiful women in spirit and personality.  This is the card I made them.  

I chose one of the free cuts we could use in CCR to cut them out.  I made one pink & one lavender, then reversed the colors for the backgrounds.

Here is a close up of the flowers I made.  I hope they liked it.

Thank you for stopping by today.  We love your visits & comments.
God Bless You!!! Peggy      


  1. Happy Mother's Day!!!! Beautiful card! Love the flowers!


  2. Hope you enjoyed your Mother´s Day! this cards are very elegant and beautiful, the flowers look great in there.


I appreciate your comments and visits. I hope you will come back soon.

Peggy T.