Saturday, August 6, 2011

My Imagine Cartridge Notebook

For the last couple of days I've been working on a project to get my Imagine cartridge patterns and colors organized.  I wanted to have them all readily available so I wouldn't have to thumb through all the handbooks to find one of them.  I read on the Cricut Message Board that some have printed circles and cut them, then put them on a ring.  I know I have some of those rings somewhere but I have no clue as to where they are.  Now Imagine that.  LOL. So in talking with Donna we came up with the idea of a notebook.

I took each cartridge and printed all the patterns and colors (separate pages for each) on a sheet measuring 8 1/2 X 11.  I used the circle that comes on the Imagine and made it 1.7 in.  Twenty of this size fit on a page.  The reason for doing this is to have an accurate picture of how it's going to print on my machine.  Now when I need a certain color or pattern, I can flip through my notebook and find exactly what I'm looking for.  It's a little time consuming but I hope it will be worth it.  Here are a few pictures to demonstrate what I did.  Don't you just love those Berries & Cream colors?

Thanks everyone for visiting today.  I hope your weekend is blessed beyond measure.  God Bless You!!!  Peggy


  1. Ok... Ladies... You have to stop being so brilliant for a while. My brain can't keep up!!! Hee! Hee! I have to do this! I think it would help the endless brain shut downs I have when I start to use the imagine. Hee! Hee! TFS!!!

  2. I was going to do this. You beat me to it. But thanks for reminding me why I thought this was such a great idea!

  3. What a great idea, I wish I would have seen this before. I have printed 3 inch squares of each pattern that I have and have them on "O" rings by cartridge. This would have been so much easier and handier. Oh well.

  4. a wodnerful idea...I cut them as tags but they often get in my way...redo coming when my new imagine arrives


I appreciate your comments and visits. I hope you will come back soon.

Peggy T.