Thursday, May 19, 2011

WOW! Another Award - We Are So Blessed

We are so blessed with so many blogging friends.  We actually received this award from 3 different blogs.  Thank you to Stacy at Love That Bug, Jill and Bobby at Cricut Couple, and Nana Donna at Nana Donna's Card Dreams for thinking of us.  We love you.

Here are the rules for the Cricut-tastic Award:

Your blog has been deemed Cricut-tastic. Wear this badge proudly on your blog and share it with your friends. Share this award with 10 people who you think have Cricut-tastic blogs. You also have to tell 5 Cricut related things about yourself.

Here are the 5 Cricut-tastic things about myself:

1. I just got the new E2 and I love it.

2. I think I must be the slowest card maker ever
3. I have OCD - Obsessive Crafter's Disorder
4. I have several cartridges I've never used - go figure.
5. I have the best blog partner there is who is also the best daughter there is!

I know we are all busy and sometimes it is hard to pass these awards

on and I understand.  I also realize that some may have already received it but I like these blogs. (no need to do it again) But here are some blogs that I would like to pass the award on to.

Grammie Judy's Spot  
Cardz TV  
Cricut Cardz Challenge 
Lena's Creations  
Cricut Diaries 
Amazing Grace  
Purty Paperz 
The Scrapping Cat  

Thank you again to our wonderful friends for this award.  We hope you will share in our joy.  Thanks for stopping by today.  God Bless You!!!!  Peggy


  1. Peggy and Donna, thank you soooo much for thinking of me! I love visiting your blog because it is always filled with ideas, beautiful cards and a ray of sunshine!!!!!!! Have a fabulous and blessed day!

  2. Peggy,
    Congrats and thank you. I love your blog and it is very deserving of this award

  3. Well, Cricut-Tastic is just one of the wonderful ways to describe your blog! I think the most fitting word is "Blessing". Your designs are fantastic and inspire us all. It's a blessing every day looking and reading about your wonderful designs. So... are ya'll just loving the E2? I really love mine! It's so much more precise than the old one!

  4. Congrats on your well-deserved award!!! Yes, you are very much blessed!


I appreciate your comments and visits. I hope you will come back soon.

Peggy T.