Friday, April 29, 2011

Our Thankful Hearts

My post today has to be one of Thanksgiving.  The tornadoes that tore through the South yesterday hit the town of Ringgold, GA.  This is the town Donna and her family live in.  The tornado tore a path through the town.  Donna was sending me texts through it all.  She and Jacob spent most of the afternoon and evening in their half bath on the floor.  At one point she covered Jacob's body with her body.  He asked her, "Mommy, am I going to see Papaw tonight?"  Like I said she was sending me texts through this ordeal and I was on my knees praying for them.  I was also praying for the storms to subside.  Fortunately, they were not hurt and their house seems to be not harmed.  I want to thank God for hearing prayers and protecting them.  What would we do if we did not have Him to turn to.  

Yesterday was Donna's birthday and she said it was not a very enjoyable one.  Maybe we can make it up this weekend.  She's coming to my house for a Mom and Daughter time together.  Saturday, we're going to Charlotte to a Vera Bradley event.  I'm so looking forward to our trek and time together.

Thank you for visiting.  Please remember the people affected by these tornadoes.  God Bless You!!!!  Peggy 


  1. OH Peggy and Donna - I am so thankful Donna and her family are ok! My prayers and thoughts are with everyone who had to go through these awful storms!! ((HUGS))

  2. Peggy,
    I am so so happy to hear that Donna & Jacob and all of your family is doing well. These storms were awful, and so many people we have lost.
    I will continue to pray for your family and their family

  3. I teared up a little when you described how your grandson asked if he was going to see his g-pal. How scary. I'm glad everyone is ok and pray for those that lost loved ones in these storms.

  4. Thank goodness! God really did bless you all, didn't he?
    So happy for all of you. Enjoy your weekend.

  5. Oh, Peggy. I'm so glad Donna is safe. How frightened you must have been. You both deserve a special weekend together.
    Thank you for the idea to print digis on patterned paper. I'm definitely going to try that.

  6. I'm so glad Donna and Jacob are okay! And you thankful for your family and praying for all the others touched by these tornadoes. Hugs to you.

  7. Thanks be to God for His protection.

  8. You all are very blessed. It has been just horrifying to us to see the footage. I couldn't even imagine being in the middle of it. We just pray that Alabama can heal and recover quickly from this. I have been around tornados my whole life living in Missouri, but I don't think I have ever seen devastation like this. We hope you have a wonderful weekend together. Jill is a Vera Bradley FREAK! She loves the new gray pattern with the purple and lime flowers. I think the Chihuahuas are gonna have to go and get a couple of pieces for Mother's Day. Dog Moms get to celebrate too, right?


I appreciate your comments and visits. I hope you will come back soon.

Peggy T.