Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Best Friend Blogger Award

Is this not the sweetest thing?  Bobby and Jill, the Cricut Couple, created this award and gave it to all of the blogs that were in our last blog hop, "For The Love of Everyone Blog Hop."  This couple is so talented and have won so many awards and contest they have probably lost count.  We are definitely blessed to have them as blogging friends.

The only requirement is to pass on the love.  So I would like to pass this on to:

Stacy at Love That Bug. When we were first setting up our blog and getting started, Stacy voluntarily made us a button for our followers to grab and post on their blogs.  She didn't have to do this but this just shows how thoughtful and special she is.  Thank you, Stacy.

Joy at Purtty PaperzWhenever we post anything on the Cricut Message Board, Joy always leaves an encouraging message to us.  She is extremely talented and posts some of the loveliest cards.

Please visit these ladies blogs and leave them some love.  You won't go wrong following them.  God Bless You!!!  Peggy


I appreciate your comments and visits. I hope you will come back soon.

Peggy T.