Friday, September 24, 2010

Paper Roses

I think I have told you in the past I love to learn to make new things. I'm not so sure this is new. It seems it has been around before now. However, I got an email from Digital Delights at Loubyloo. They had a Saturday tutorial that shows how to make Paper Roses. Nathalie's was so pretty I just had to try them. However, mine aren't as pretty as hers.

In her instructions, Nathalie used a 5 petal flower punch. Sweet Treats Cricut cartridge has a 5 petal flower on it so I used that. I cut them at 1 1/2". You need 4. It was very easy to set them up in Design Studio or the Gypsy and cut them all at once. I did use the "hide contour" feature to hide the center cut out. Mine looked just like the ones cut out by the 5 petal flower punch.

I was going to post the pictures of my steps but Nathalie has done such a fabulous job with the tutorial I decided to post the link to it. If you click on Paper Roses above, it will take you to the website.

Thank you for visiting and following our blog. We love your feedback. Have a great day. God Bless You.... Peggy

1 comment:

  1. Thanks I love making flowers, I think your came out beautiful. I will head on over and check out the tutorial
    Nana Donna


I appreciate your comments and visits. I hope you will come back soon.

Peggy T.