Friday, September 3, 2010

French Manor/DoodlePantry DigiStamp

I received  my French Manor cartridge in the mail a while back and have not made anything with it.  With all our birthdays, I pulled it out today and chose the frame on Page 54 of the handbook to make a background for my card. 
The pear and greeting is a digistamp I purchased from Doodle Pantry.  I colored it with Promarkers.  I really like the Promarkers.  I haven't had a chance to use Copics so I can't compare the two. 

The inside top is a piece left over from the frame cut.  I inked it with brown ink and cut a Happy Birthday from Beyond Birthdays.

Thank you for looking and I hope you find some inspiration.  God Bless YOU!!!!!  Peggy

1 comment:

  1. Oh Peggy,

    It's just amazing! I love all the details! I know it's just a grid from French Manor, but doesn't look amazing in everything you see it used with? I just love it!!! TFS!

    Most Sincerely,
    Bobby & Jill


I appreciate your comments and visits. I hope you will come back soon.

Peggy T.