Monday, September 6, 2010

4th Grade Classroom Door

Hey Everyone - I hope you all are having a wonderful Labor Day. I spent the weekend with my mom celebrating her birthday which is TODAY!!! So everyone wish Mom a Happy Birthday!!! Happy Birthday, Mom - I love you bunches!!!! I told her that everyone in the U.S. was getting the day off just to celebrate her birthday - HA!!!

Now on to our project for the day - Jacob's teacher asked for volunteers to decorate her door to the classroom each month this year. Well, you know I had to volunteer as that's right up my alley! She said she wanted a rocket/space theme to go along with what they are teaching in class right now. The picture below is what I came up with.

I used the following cartridges to create the images:

Just Because Cards - Rocket - cut at 24"
Zooballoo - cut out clouds and inked them to make them look like smoke balls coming out of
the rocket.
Plantin - Stars
Plantin - Scalloped Border with Stars - I used Design Studio to place a star inside the scallop
border and cut at 22"
Mickey Font - Words - cut at 3 3/4"

You'll be seeing a new door design each month this year. Next month's theme is going to be a football/teamwork theme. I've already got an idea for what I'll do for that - gotta stay ahead of the ballgame you know. Well, thank you for stopping by and we hope you'll come again soon!! Until another day, God Bless!! Donna


  1. Happy happy birthday to your Mom!! I love the door design-great job with the clouds/smoke, and the rocket is way cool. Looking forward to seeing each month's creations.

  2. Happy Birthday I Love Your blog.

  3. So fun! Happy Birthday!!!

    Most Sincerely,
    Bobby & Jill


I appreciate your comments and visits. I hope you will come back soon.

Peggy T.